Jobacura Advantage - A perfect mix of Technology, Process & People

For Companies:

Jobacura benefits companies looking for the best talent in multiple ways. We are not even speaking of cost advantage yet.

Verified Resume

With periodic telephonic and email verification we ensure that you have the latest resume of the candidates. Also our JobXpert verify not only the contact information but also any changes or updates to the resume.

Recruitment Management System

At Jobacura we provide you with a complete Recruitment Management System to manage your job posting and applications. The system provides you with a systematic resume management module with features like adding notes, ratings or marked for future reference features.

Interview Schedule & Reminders

Jobacura RMS provides interview scheduling module for streamlining the interview process. Notification and Alerts are sent to the applicants regarding interview schedule along with complete address and contact person details.

For Candidates:

Do you find registering on job portal difficult and time-consuming? Not receiving job offers or notification as per your liking? Jobacura has the solution.

Free & Easy Registration

Guided Registration Process makes account creation and resume update very simple and easy for you. The "Quick Resume" feature allows an easy way for creating your account on Jobacura

Video Introduction

Its easier to explain in person, points that might not look presentable on your resume or those points that may seems weakness on paper but is one of your strength. Video Introduction features allow you an opportunity to give a brief description about yourself. It is a great tool for people looking to apply for post where individual interaction is of great importance

Ratings & Skill Analysis

Jobacura provide a summarize ratings provided by the recruiters for your resume and also skill analysis to help you understand better about the industry and the requirements for specific job position

Need Help With Registration?

Just upload your resume and we will create an account for you.

Quick Resume Upload

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Don't worry, Just call us and we will be happy to answer all your queries

+91 7304354156